AGK for Pascal
TAgkScene Members

The following tables list the members exposed by TAgkScene.

Is called if your app has been passed to the background and has just been reactivated. You should activate a pause screen when this happens. 
Is called just before the scene is terminated. You can override this method to cleanup scene specific resources. 
Is called before the scene is executed. You can override this method to initialize scene specific resources. 
Is called during each iteration of the main loop to update the game state. The DeltaTimeSec is the number of seconds that has passed since the last call to Update. 
Immediately clears the back buffer and depth buffer of all drawing and fills it with the chosen clear color set by SetClearColor
Creates a new scene. 
The scene is automatically destroyed when its owner (such as the application) is destroyed, or when AutoFree is set to True and the current scene is changes (see TAgkApplication.SetScene). However, you must destroy the scene manually if (and only if) AutoFree is set to False and the scene has no owner. 
This is the overview for the Print method overload. 
This is the overview for the PrintC method overload. 
Draws all sprites and text objects to the current frame buffer. It does not swap the backbuffer to the screen. 
This is the overview for the ScreenToWorld method overload. 
This is the overview for the SetBorderColor method overload. 
This is the overview for the SetClearColor method overload. 
This is the overview for the SetPrintColor method overload. 
Sets the size that printed text will appear on the screen. 
Sets the spacing between letters. 
This is the overview for the SetScissor method overload. 
This is the overview for the SetViewOffset method overload. 
Suspend the scene (and application) for a specified number of milliseconds. 
This is the overview for the WorldToScreen method overload. 
The application that is running this scene. 
Whether the scene will automatically be freed when the application starts a new scene. Defaults to True. 
Sets whether the frame buffer should be cleared every frame. 
Get the time in seconds spent processing and rendering the last frame. 
Get the number of milliseconds since the app was started. 
The number of objects that this object owns. 
The objects that this object owns. 
The owner of this object. 
Returns an average frames per second based on the rendering time of the last few frames. To get the exact time spent on the last frame you can use FrameTime
Get the number of whole seconds since the app was started. Accurate to 1 second. 
Gets the current view offset, set using SetViewOffset
Gets the current view offset in the X direction, set using SetViewOffset
Gets the current view offset in the Y direction, set using SetViewOffset
Zooms the screen viewport relative to the world. For example a view zoom of 2.0 will double the size of anything currently in view. A value of 1.0 returns everything to normal size. 
Sets the zoom mode from top left corner (False) or centered (True). 
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