AGK for Pascal
TAgkJoystick.Down Property

Returns True if the specified button is currently being held down.

class property Down [const Button: Integer]: Boolean;
The index of the button to check (1-5) 

The AGK buttons are an emulated input method that uses whatever device inputs are available to produce 5 buttons. If a real joystick is found then the first 5 buttons from that will be used for the AGK button commands. Otherwise the AGK looks for a fullsize keyboard and if found will use the following keys in the following order Space, E, R, Q, Control, to represent buttons 1 to 5 respectively. If neither a joystick nor keyboard is found then a virtual button is created that will appear on screen and can be pressed with either touch screen inputs or a mouse. Every platform is guaranteed to have a method of activating the AGK buttons.

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